Backplane Gondola (single sided) - JEOU-SHENG MERCHANDISE-FRAME Co., Ltd. JOSAM

Backplane Gondola (single sided)

The backplane supermarket gondola rack offers versatile configurations with clean, smooth lines. It is designed to be placed against walls, covering walls surface and reducing interior decoration costs. This gondola accommodates various display needs with its attractive and elegant appearance, enhancing the neat arrangement of products. It highlights the practicality of showcasing goods, ensuring that customers can easily see and understand the displayed items visually. Suitable for displaying a wide range of merchandise.
The backplane supermarket gondola racks are suitable for 3C stores, auto parts stores, small and medium sized supermarkets, convenience stores,and chain drugstores
Product Specification:
Height H : 1200mm1500mm......3600mm
Width W : 600mm750mm900mm1200mm
Depth D : 250mm300mm350mm450mm......900mm
The safe load capacity per layer (standard type) of display rack is 60KG.
The safe load capacity per layer (extra-thin type) of display rack is 40KG.